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We meet Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at Clinton School (Please enter the building through the side door to the cafeteria, off the teacher’s parking lot).
Be sure to subscribe to the Pack calendar for up-to-date meeting and event information.


Our Mission:


Cub Scout Pack 20 serves New Jersey's South Orange and Maplewood community. We offer fun activities that promote character and leadership development. Scouting is designed to develop physical, mental and emotional fitness. Fitness includes the body (well-tuned and healthy), the mind (able to think and solve problems), and the emotions (self-control, courage, and self-respect).

Pack 20 follows the SOMA School District calendar and meets September through June at Clinton Elementary School. In addition to the meetings, we try to have one Pack activity a month that typically takes place on Saturdays. Information on events can be found on the Pack Calendar.


Our Impact

According to studies, Scouts are more likely to:

  • Have higher levels of planning and preparation skills, be goal-oriented, and network with others 
  • Be in a leadership position at their place of employment or local community 
  • Report having closer relationships with family and friends 
  • Volunteer for religious and nonreligious organizations 
  • Donate money to charitable groups 
  • Work with others to improve their neighborhoods



181 NASA astronauts have been involved with Scouting, including Neil Armstrong.




91% of  Scouts completed high school, compared with 87% who were never Scouts, and 35% versus 19% earned college degrees!




More than two-thirds of Scouts say there have been real life situations were Scout experience has helped them be a better leader.


Our Programs

Pack 20 also have several programs planned throughout the year. Below are a few examples.



Partnered with a parent or adult mentor, Cub Scouts work together, strengthening bonds and building confidence – and their own custom race cars! They begin by choosing a car design, then carve it out and detail it with paint, decals and other accessories, and perfect strategies to compete in their pack's own Pinewood Derby. It's s a wonderful learning experience centered on teamwork, ingenuity and sportsmanship – all for the thrill of the race and a lifetime of great memories to share with fellow racers young and old.



Camp out under the stars!  Each year we plan three campouts (fall, winter, and spring). They're a great time of games, hikes, campfires (with smores!) and much more.



The Raingutter Regatta is a sailboat equivalent of the Pinewood Derby. The sailboat kit consists of a seven-inch (178 mm) long balsa wood hull, a 6-1/2 inch mast, plastic sail, plastic rudder, and metal keel. Within the basic design rules, Scouts are free to paint and decorate their sailboats as they choose. Modifications for speed include the placement of the keel and rudder and the size, shape and location of the sail.



Throughout the year, Scouts can take advantage of several volunteer opportunities, from helping clean-up a local park, to walking in the Memorial Day parade. These events are not only great for team building, but instills a sense of pride and ownership for their community.


On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

— The Scout Oath


A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

—The Scout Law


Get Involved

Scouts is a family affair — and we need Moms and Dads! Find how your skills and talents can make Pack 20 even better for our kids.

Volunteer opportunities

There are a lot of moving parts for each of our volunteer activities and we need your help! You can volunteer to drive, lead a hike, teach a skill, and much more.

Make a Donation

Many in our community can afford to be part of Scouts without placing any strain on their finances. Some, however, aren't so fortunate. Please consider donating.